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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Glenn Greenwald
Co-Founder The Intercept
KNTV 05/12/2014
Snow: Glenn Greenwald has a new book revealing more allegations of widespread surveillance by NSA employees. Greenwald: Internally when they thought they were talking in private they boast about the fact that they are a system of ubiquitous spying, collecting all forms of communication between everybody on the planet. Snow: This never-before-seen power point slide from the NSA says sniff it all, know it all, collect it all. And with this secret form, Greenwald says any NSA employee can search a giant database. Greenwald: All they need to do literally is enter the e-mail address, pick from a pulldown menu, a “justification” that entitles them to do it and then hit search. Snow: Greenwald writes the NSA had been able to tap into skype video chats, a broad range of facebook data, even e-mails sent by people using wifi on an airplane. Greenwald: The mindset of the NSA is that there should never be a place on the planet that you can go where you are able to evade their surveillance net.
Glenn Greenwald
Co-Founder The Intercept
KNTV 05/12/2014
Snow: An internal NSA newsletter brags that shipments of computer routers and servers headed all over the world are intercepted by the NSA and redirected to a secret location so they can implant surveillance devices. No way of knowing how widespread this is? Greenwald: We know that it's systematic. That there are divisions in the NSA and teams in the NSA devoted to doing this. Snow: The NSA says the implication that NSA’s foreign intelligence collection is arbitrary and unconstrained is false. NSA's activities are focused on valid foreign intelligence targets. Greenwald says he still has thousands of documents and plans to reveal more on the intercept, a digital magazine whose parent company has a collaboration agreement with NBC News. Greenwald: Several of the top, say, 5 or 10 are stories that are left to be told. Ones that will really shock the world.
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